When was the last time you subscribed to an online newsletter thinking it might be an interesting read, but realized over time that it really wasn’t? You unsubscribe successfully, but still receive emails advertising the product/service or new content from their “partners”. If you are like me, your answer is probably, “Last week”. The result is yet another piece of electronic junk mail that clutters our personal inboxes.

The problem with strings-attached online research is even worse for many in the workplace where hunting and gathering up-to-date information about prices, travel destinations, logistics, etc. requires registering with an email and phone number. The sheer amount of unsolicited junk mail and sales calls is staggering, and particularly annoying when you realize the tidbit of information you were hoping to find in that newsletter you registered for was worthless. Yet you remain on someone’s email target list… forever.

But what about the newsletters you DO want to keep? If they sell your information, you’re stuck with the results, which often includes more and more unwanted subscriptions. There has to be a way to take back control of how you do things online. No matter what an online presence does in their dealings, it should not force you to be inundated with communications you never asked to receive. There needs to be a healthy balance between the freedom to consume content at will, and the peace of mind that comes with online privacy.

With our service, ID Incognito, online privacy and security go hand in hand. As experts in the computer security field, we will help you with tips, check lists, and ideas for how to keep your personal information in your control. You can be as “out there” or as private as you wish. The old saying of, “Knowledge is power” is very true in this instance. Knowing how to protect yourself, and your loved ones, while online is a powerful tool in your hands. You choose how you use it and when. Not someone else.

It’s your phone number.
It’s your email address.
It’s none of their business.
Sign Up Now!