Like many products in our world today, ID Incognito was created in response to a personal need my wife and I had: How can we interact with online merchants and services, while still ensuring our personal privacy? As a professional software developer who has worked in the computer security field since before the World-Wide Web was invented, I understand, all too well, the need to protect information. My business partner and I have spent decades helping companies protect data they deem valuable – from intellectual property and trade secrets, to employee information and customer records. That data belongs to those companies; it shouldn’t be accessed by anyone else, unless those organizations agree to it.

I believe the same principles should apply to our personal data. A little over a year ago, I wanted to sign up for an online TV streaming service. In the sign-up process, the streaming company wanted my email address. Ok, fine, I thought. I have a cadre of throwaway email addresses I’ve created over the years. I’ll use one of those. But the next field of the sign-up wanted a mobile phone number. And, the field was marked required. Ok. 555-555-1212, anyone? Except that they’re going to send a text message with a code to validate the number is legit – a bogus number won’t work. Worse still is that, in order to use this service, it’s required that I receive their marketing emails and text messages. I’m already going to be paying for the service, so why should I have to divulge my contact information and agree to be pestered constantly by spam?

More and more merchants seem to be following this trend. It’s no longer sufficient to merely create an account with an email address. Now you have to “opt-in” to the marketing, too, and not just in email. As if we don’t already get enough unsolicited email, now they want to fill our phones with junk texts as well. And they’ll sell those contact lists to other companies, compounding the issue even further.

We built ID Incognito to solve this problem, because we’ve been there. Our goal is to empower you to regain control over your personal information.

It’s your phone number.
It’s your email address.
It’s none of their business.
Sign Up Now!